Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Days Thirty-One Through Thirty-Three

Yellenahs says she's lazy, but I'm the one who's lazy. I use this blog to avoid doing things like homework. And I really need to do homework. I need to step up my game in general this semester.
Oh well.

Day Thirty-One: Nauru Awareness Day!
Today was a day for learning about the tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru. The book wants me to send them a postcard to let them know thay haven't been completey forgotten, but upon researching Nauru, I decided they're probably grateful the world has forgotten them. Formerly known as "Pleasant Island," it's really rich, has had only a small handful of tribal wars, one flu epidemic that killed a few hundred people, and a bloodless, though politically messy, squabble with Australia over gaining independence. It's had some trouble getting off it's feet since then in the government area, but honestly, only about 8000 people live there, and they're all too fat and diabetic t0 cause much trouble- over 90% of them are above the world average BMI. Which might not be saying much when you consider that that number include starving Ethiopian refugees...

...or maybe not. Yes, it certainly sucks to be Nauru, simultaneously the worlds smallest and largest island nation.

Day Thirty-Two: Tonight, Control Your Dreams
My friend the book told me that today I should focus on three objects very hard all day and see if they crop up in my dreams. The objects were a midget, an aeroplane, and a hedgehog. I thought about them all day and very intensely as I was falling asleep.
I didn't dream about them.

I wish I could dream this cute. But once I did have a dream that giant tennis shoes were licking me, and when they did, I tasted ice cream. I didn't taste like ice cream to the tennis shoes, I tasted ice cream in my mouth, even though I wasn't eating any. It was a beautiful sunny day and I'm pretty sure it was my birthday. There were balloons and I was laughing and laughing and being licked repeatedly by huge sneakers. It was the happiest feeling in the world. Best dream I ever had.

Day Thirty-Three: Be On the Lookout for the Paranormal
I'm always on the lookout for the paranormal. I believe that the truth is out there and I'm keeping my eyes wide open so I don't miss it. But today I took the job especially seriously. In the morning I was babysitting my cousins (at 6am, yeah, my life is awesome :/) and I'm pretty sure I saw a tiny child-sized demon run across their dark living room. I think it was possessing my cousins too, because they were being more evil than usual, and one threw up and another had a bloody nose (disgusting expulsion of bodily fluids is always a sign of paranormal activity).
The other weird thing about today was that people were being unusually nice. As soon as I walked into my first class, a girl I sit by said "Hey, your hair looks really good today. Like really good." Then I was in an elevator trying to get my coat on in preparation to step out into a climate that is fast beginning to resemble an arctic tundra, and I felt a hand at my back. It was a cute old man helping me with my coat.
Tiny shadow demons and an unusually active milk of human kindness? Obviously something is up. I'll call a paranormal investigator just as soon as I'm done washing that black slime off my walls. It keeps oozing out in the shape of very inhospitable words. Oxyclean should do the trick. The ghost of Billy Mays wouldn't lie to me. Would he?

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