Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Many Days

Alright, so I've been super lazy. Possibly the laziest. It's been at least 10 days since I've updated (but who's counting), and that was just to tell you that I'm lazy. Now that my second round of tests is over, I will probably be better. I don't have any more schoolwork to get done until December, so you've got my full attention for about 20 days. Maybe I'll even get ahead so that I won't be freaking out come December!

Wishful thinking.

Anyway, I'm not gonna go back through every day individually because that would just be really long and boring and you're not THAT interested. Well, maybe John is because he's a gimp, but that's another story. (Love you, John!)

Here are some things that you missed: Say Nothing Day (I didn't talk for much of the day because I spent a good majority of it either in class or cleaning my room excessively), Be On the Look Out for the Paranormal (as per usual), Ignore Today (well accomplished), Go to Church (not accomplished. I don't like churches that much unless they're Europe), and Apply for a Knighthood (there's no way they would give it to me).

Today is Walk Barefoot on Grass day. Luckily, it's warm enough out to accomplish this. Which is also quite strange, because I happen to live in Buffalo. Where winter usually begins in the beginning of October. However, the grass is kind of wet and my toes get cold pretty easily. Bad idea.

Don't worry, after this I promise to be more consistent. I pinky-promised Rachael. With both hands.

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