Monday, October 5, 2009

Day Eight: Addiction-Free Day (Anailuj)

I was not a happy camper today.
As far as addicitons go, I have few. I don't usually use the term "straight-edge" because of negative stereotypes about the straight-edge community (the large majority of which are swell folks who won't try to push any straight-edge agendas on you, I promise) that I don't necessarily want projected on myself. However, I've never touched alcohol or drugs and I don't plan to. I don't smoke. I don't even drink coffee.

But sweet Jesus, do I love my tea.

I have a habit of falling dead asleep during my classes, and one of the only things that can keep me awake is a masive container of iced chai, which I make myself in the morning with two tea bags for extra strength, approximately 1lb of sugar, milk, and whipped cream if I'm feeling spunky.

Today I was not allowed to have my chai. Today was a bad day. I could use a cup right now. Did you know that a professor can write nothing but positive comments on your first paper ofthe semester, comments about how awesome you are at analyzing that God-awful Herman Melville book and how your interpretations are right on, and still give you a C+? DID YOU???? A C+????

On top of that, I gave up Facebook and FarmVille too, like Yellenahs. It wasn't that bad except I'm pretty sure I have aloe vera planted, and if I do, it definitely wilted.

And if it did, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Conclusions: Tea is good for me and I'm going to have a cup (decaf) right now.
And it is sort of nice to take a break from massive internet networking and constantly worrying about my vegatables.

PS I have it on good authority that as of 5am this morning, my out of order sign was still on the bathroom door.

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