Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day Twenty: Poetry Day (Yellenahs)

I used to write poems all the time. I used to have reasons to write poems. Now that I'm not nearly as angsty, I find less to write about. They were pretty okay, for someone who didn't know the first thing about poetry or meter or had really ever read that many poems in her life.

I'm not an English major. I have no ambition to write you a 20-line poem in iambic pentameter, partially because I'm probably not good at writing in iambic pentameter. The other part is that I'm busy drinking a glass of wine, which should pump my creative juices but I don't think it is. Can I just draw you a picture instead?


"Mercy," cried the Popinjay to the Pope,
"I'm not so fond of these walls all in taupe!"
Replied he, "I can't even see color,
Twas the godforsaken decorator!"

Is that iambic pentameter? Is that a poem? Why isn't the phrase iambic pentameter IN iambic pentameter? The words are so long, it should be.

Over and out.

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