Friday, October 23, 2009

Day Twenty-Two: Agree to Meet Someone in Ten Years (Yellenahs)

Today, the book gave a little agreement to make with someone to meet them in ten years' time. This assignment was approximately as scary as "Introduce Yourself to Someone" day, but I managed to complete it.

For the convenience of not retrieving my book and not committing plagiarism on the interwebz, the contract read something like this:
We, the undersigned, agree to meet at [Mighty Taco, Sheridan] on [10/24/19] at [12:30 a.m.]. In case we have changed beyond recognition, we agree to wear [yellow sunglasses]. In case we have nothing to talk about, here are some current events: [first black president of the U.S., swine flu, terrible economy, global warming]. See you in ten years!
Yes, I realize it's slightly late, being at 12:30 a.m. on the 24th. But I consider this to still be Friday. It's not the next day if I haven't gone to sleep yet. So it's fine.

I handed the note to the cashier in the drive thru at Mighty Taco. John told the poor boy that I am, in fact, crazy. Then the boy shook his head at me as I urged him to keep the paper because that's his copy. He needs to remember! I don't think he was too pleased. As a fellow member of the service industry, I know that I would have been extremely pleased to make such an agreement with a customer. In fact, it would make my whole night. It would break up the monotony of rude person after rude person. So he should have been way happier about that.

Oh well. Not everyone appreciates good fun. I can't wait to see him at midnight-thirty on October the 24th, 2019!

P.S. My 10-year old cousin has swine flu. Those of you who believe in higher powers should pray for her. And for yourselves, because I could carry it from her to you. And you don't want that.

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