Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day Eleven: Introduce Yourself to Someone You Know But Never Talk To (Anailuj)

At the school I go to, there is this student-run magazine called Generation. It's fantastically funny and offensive and smart and it brightens my day every time I read it.
Except now Generation is no more, because the powers that be at my school decided to get pissy with it for reasons I won't get into and suspended its charter and bylaws. They did all of this without a passing "Yo" to the editor-in-chief, Andrew.
Andrew happens to be a personal desire of mine, and every other female who read Generation and actually paid attention to who wrote what they were reading. Andrew's literary voice is (I tried a lot of adjectives in place of this word and there is no other that fits him so well) absolutely sextravagant (TM Anailuj 2009). He gives the impression of a wise-guy, a sex-fiend, a comedian, an independent voyager of the open road. If he ever reads this, I'm pretty sure it will make HIS day to know that I think of him as the Kerouac of our immodestly large university (but he'll also think I'm a creepy stalker who spends way too much time contemplating his genius. But for the record I am definitely not the only girl who feels this way about him). A sixth-year senior, he seems to have no idea what to do with his life, although in my humble opinion he could easily become the next Dave Barry. Who?

Anyway, I have a class with Andrew this semester. And today I decided to actually say something to him. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hey. Andrew.
Andrew: [turning to me, one eyebrow raised] Yes?
Me: Is Generation ever coming back ?
Andrew: Uhhhh...I don't know. They don't tell me things. I'm not really in a position to say...[continues on with vague comments, making more eye-contact with his computer screen than with me.]
Me: That sucks.

It was a lot less glorious than I'd envisioned. I think my being a stranger and all sort of caught him off guard. But I feel way cooler about myself now that I've demystified him. This guy is sort of as much of a celebrity as you can get on a college campus with 25,000 undergraduates. And he was sort of shy.
It was adorable.

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