Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day Twelve: What's Your Type? (Yellenahs)

This blog is a day late because yesterday I was busy going straight from classes to work to party, and didn't have a moment in between to ponder my type.

I was with a Mr. Nice Guy once, but he was just so nice and not very fun so I got bored after a couple of months. After this I began my string of Sleazeballs, which isn't very fun either. That's been my type by default lately but it's not something I'd like to keep up with. I don't need Loaded because I prefer to pay my own bills, and I don't really need too many nice things. I'd break them anyway. Beefcake would be more into himself than me, and I definitely need some ATTN.

This is a toss-up between Married With Kids and Handsome Prince. Married With Kids obviously knows how to handle commitment (maybe not, due to uh me), and if he's a good dad then he is so sexy. There is nothing sexier than a good dad. Keep that in mind, boys. I would feel pretty bad breaking up a marriage and forcing the kids into weekend homes and such though. Handsome Prince is probably pretty cool, and has probably been taught how to treat women right. I hope. He's also handsome. Obviously. I would feel as though my future were secure, and that's important. I bet I'd also get to travel the world with him, which is also important. That'd be so fun!

Handsome Prince is the winner!!

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