Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Twenty-five: Things You Will Never Do Before You Die (Yellenahs)

The book gives a long list of random things that many people do/do not do before they die. Many of them are life goals and dreams, and others are really strange things. I've been waiting for this day. I've been dreaming about it and looking forward to it. It took all of my willpower to not fill out this list weeks ago.

There's a bit of reverse psychology involved in this day. By choosing things you will never do before you die, you effectively also have a list of things you probably will do before you die. I think this is pretty cool. I'm a big fan of making lists of life goals.

Some of the things are so strange, however, that I just couldn't bring myself to say I would never do them. I don't want to limit myself!

Here are some things I will never do before I die:
  • Climb Everest (I will never be that athletic)
  • Become World Chess Champion (I probably couldn't beat a 5 year old)
  • Rob a bank (too risky)
  • Walk to the North Pole (refer to Everest)
  • Learn the Periodic Table by heart (fuck Chemistry)
  • Grow a tail (seems impossible)
  • Grow a beard (I'm female)
  • Master the yo-yo (lame)
  • Sleep with a whore of Babylon (gross)
  • Become Pope (again, female)
Some things I'm not limiting myself from:
  • Travel at warp speed
  • Visit Bhutan
  • Read Proust
  • Watch all of Bergman
  • Exterminate a zombie
  • Write in cuneiform
  • Start my own religion
  • Track down Lord Lucan
  • Travel back in time
  • Invent a typeface
Things I plan to do/probably will do/have done that are on the list:
  • Learn Italian
  • Kiss a stranger
  • Fall for advertising (have you seen the Droid commercial?!)
  • Wish upon a star
  • Get a tattoo
  • Proclaim myself empress
  • Ride a Harley
  • Save the world
  • Become grumpy when old
  • Experience an earthquake

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