Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Days Twenty-Two Through Twenty-Four (Anailuj)

Hi, I'm a slacker who hasn't updated in a week. I know that wehn I don't blog, time stands still for you, and for that I apologize.

Day Twenty-Two: Meet Someone in Ten Years
I have sort of a cute and sentimental idea for this that I haven't yet exectuted. I'll let you know when I do.

Day Twenty-Three: Plastic Fantastic!
There' a couple areas in which I think this book errs, and this is one of them. I don't need anybody to tell me I'm not good enough. Especially that creep Yellenahs found. I also don't need anybody groping on me or writing on me with a marker to show me what needs to be bigger, what needs to be smaller, what needs to go up, and what needs to go down. Not that i have any kind of thing against people who do need plastic surgery. I think it's a financial drain, but if it makes you happy, go for it.
But mostly I have an issue with being groped by a stranger.

Day Twenty-Four: Barter Day
Today My brother and I bartered over me finishing his essay for him. He offered to clean my room, but I don't want my room to be clean (how would I ever find anything?!). Then he offered to make me a sandwich, which was sort of appealing, but I couldn't let him know that. A good barterer always drives up the price. I offered to edit it for him but he said it was all or nthing. He too, drives a hard bargain.
Anyway, I eventually got distracted by something and he finished his essay by himself like and honest and hard-working student.

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