Friday, October 16, 2009

Day Fourteen: Day of Compliments (Yellenahs)

Ellen, I am deeply sorry for not posting this yesterday. I didn't mean to ruin your procrastination routine. After this I will be doing much better updating daily. Especially since Brian thinks we can't make it to day 25.

Yesterday was the day of compliments. We were to compliment everyone to see if it actually did get us anywhere.

It didn't.

I should have complimented more guests at work. Maybe then they would have opened more RedCards and I'd have more free gum. Instead one of my guests complimented me. He told me that I had THE most beautiful eyes ever, and he's not a creeper because he's married and he was JUST telling his wife about how beautiful my eyes are and how do I do that, is it two different colors or just one?

I told him it was magic. However, the complimenting did get him somewhere yesterday. I was so flattered that I changed the price of his digital camera from like $104 to $34.98. See what happens when you come through my line and tell me I'm beautiful? HUGEEEEEE discounts, Rochester, HUGEEEEEEEEE-JAH.

Then at the end of my shift I needed some Starbucks in order to help me stay up all night. Instead of complimenting the Starbucks team member (Drew) I told him how much he sucked and then told the LOD that they should get rid of him. Then I told Drew how much I hate him. He threw a nickle at me and then I didn't get my change. The moral of this story: If I had complimented Drew, I might be one nickle richer today.

When I got home, I wanted John to clean the kitchen because it's not his birthday anymore. He refused and tried to make me smell his feet. So I told him that I hated him repeatedly while screaming bloody murder. This also did not get my anywhere, as he did not clean the kitchen.

Basically, I'm bad at complimenting people and this whole day backfired in my face.

1 comment:

  1. You left out all the parts about you wanting me to smell your feet.
