Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day Twenty: Poetry Day (Anailuj)

My facebook account is down, so I guess I have to spend my time doing something stimulating and creative instead of harvesting my squash on FarmVille. The book provides the first line of a poem in iambic pentameter* and wants me to write one line to go with it, then send that line to the book's website so they can be put together to create the world's longest poem. But I'm an English major, and an ambitious one, and I have decided to compose an entire poem for you.**

Better get into brooding artsy poet mode.
World-weary countenance- check.
Tortured soul- check.
Mug of tea- check
Book by world-weary, tortured, tea-drinking author (Kerouac's Visions of Gerard)- check.
Music by world-weary, totured, tea-drinking musician (City and Colour, Confessions)- check.

Note: I don't know for sure that Dallas Green of City and Colour/Alexisonfire drinks tea, but I feel like he probably enjoys a nice toasty mug of it now and again. I'm of the opinion that tea is the fuel that powers the left side of our brains. That's the artsy half.

See how brooding and artistic he is? I'm pretty sure there's a mug of tea in this picture but you can't see it because it got cut out. But for now I shall stop wishing that Dallas, his perfect voice, and his indie geekdom were mine to have and to hold, and write a poem for you. The book gave me the first line. It's what i would call "a doozy." Here goes.

"Mercy," cried the Popinjay to the Pope,
"For I have not yet given up all hope
That your style, though absurd it may look,
Can be remedied if I use this book."
Out from his suit the Popinjay produced
A sturdy wooden box all made of spruce.
And from this box the Popinjay pulled out
A book that in the fashion world held clout.
"What Not to Wear" the cover said in gold.
The Pope agreed, though not completely sold.
For the idea that the Pope requir'd
This foppish man to pick out his attire
Would shock God-fearing Catholics out of mind
For they questioned men of flamboyant kind.
But his hat! His robes! They just would not do!
They laughed at him on ET, in US too!
And so the Popinjay used his fab plan
To refresh the wardrobe of God's main man.
But in the end that task was all in vain:
His new look rivaled Prince in Purple Rain.

*In case you spaced out, slept in, or skipped English 101, iambic pentamer is a poetic meter (that means rhythm) consisiting of ten syllables, the first stressed, the second unstressed, the third stressed, etc. It sounds like this: "da-DAH, da-DAH, da-DAH, da-DAH, da-DAH."
**But it will never be as wonderful as the impromptu poem I wrote and texted to John early one morning.

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