Friday, October 2, 2009

Day Five: Mass Social Experiment (Anailuj)

Today we had to make an out of order sign, stick it on something, and see if it caused a breakdown of our social structure as we know it.
So I ripped out a piece of notebook paper, scrawled "Out of order" on it in sharpie, and taped it to a vending machine. But that wasn't that exciting. So I taped it to a bathroom door. Not a stall door, the door to the entrance of the whole bathroom.

See, there it is, on my very low resolution camera. I picked a place that was pretty high traffic, but doesn't have a lot of seats so there was no one sitting around to observe me causing trouble. Except some girl who was sitting right across from me and was not observant enough to notice me doing any of this. Then she got on her phone and was being obnoxious.
The results were pretty predictable: every now and then some girl who had to pee or fix her hair would walk up to the door, hesitate, and walk away. Once two girls walked by and one pointed to it. Not that exciting. no one was even curious enough to take a peak to see what kind of disaster
could put a WHOLE bathroom out of order.

Conclusion: People obey signs, and watching them do it is really not that thrilling. I would have done the same thing. This was only life-changing in that it made me want to try it on a larger scale. Next time I'll put an out of order sign on an airplane. Or a pilot.

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