Friday, October 16, 2009

Day Fifteen: Be Gay for a Day (Yellenahs)

It's late and I don't feel like writing so this might not be as ... whatever you think it normally is. I go for witty but I'm not sure I always hit the mark so, this might be even worse.

Today was be gay for a day. The book gave some terrible ideas for things to do to be gay, but they were so terrible that I didn't even want to do them. I changed my Facebook status to "Interested in: Women." I also became a fan of UB's LGBTA.

I didn't delete these things from my newsfeed as I usually do, and I hoped that they would come up on people's homepages. I don't think it worked though because no one seemed to care. Or maybe people are just very accepting of my new way of life.

Who knows. John also decided to take a screenshot of my new status before I change it back, and he posted that on my wall. This is slightly more noticeable than just me changing my status. I also blew some kisses to Melisa and winked at her when we went to go see a concert together tonight. That was slightly lesbo, but we also do that all the time.

I'm sure there are other things I could have done to be gay, but I find that the people I know who are gay aren't really different from the rest of us, so why should I be any different? I know a couple of girls who are gay or at least bisexual, and they're not flamboyant or anything. So why does it matter? Maybe I could have noticed girls' tits some more, but I do that regularly too.

Oh God, maybe I AM gay!!!!!!!!

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