Monday, October 19, 2009

Days Seventeen and Eighteen: Eat Nothing But Asparagus; Kill Something (Anailuj)

I did not eat any asparagus on Sunday. Variety is the spice of like. Without difference there is nothing. We only experience anything because we recognize, sometimes without realizing it, that is it different from other things we experience. Difference is everything. Difference is the motor that keeps the world spinning. Everything in the world manifests itself through its difference from other things; our entire being comes from difference. Yeah, I'm all caught up on my de Saussure and Heidigger, how about you?
My point is that if I experience nothing but asparagus (or any other food for that matter) all day, I will experience nothing. Orally, at least. But I'm also sick which means my nose is stuffed up and there's fluid in my head, so I'm not experiencing things olfactorily or auditorily all that well either.
And I totally agree with Yellenahs that this task could have been better. It should have been a day of fasting if anything. We're so spoiled we don't even realize that getting to eat three meals, or even one meal, a day is a privelege that not everybody shares.

For Kill Something Day, I decided to take the advice of a friend and kill this virus that has invaded my body. You think you're going to lay seige to Anailujinople and turn my Hagia Sophias into little influenza mosques where you'll worship the gods of the cold and flu season? You think you're going to prevent me from screaming at the top of my lungs at the haunted house I have every intention of visiting this weekend? Think again, little flu germs. I'm taking high doses of echinacea and vitamin C and will NOT being seeing a doctor because I've lost faith in modern medicine. You think you're going to go away and just leave me with a sinus infection that I won't be able to shake until Spring? YOU CAN JUST SUCK IT.

See, this is why I don't let us all eat out of the same big pot when I make mac n cheese. Community mac n cheese spreads viral disease!

5 points if you got my seige of Constantinople metaphor. Also, I am deeply sorry for that seige of Constantinople metaphor.

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