Monday, October 5, 2009

Day Eight: Addiction Free Day (Yellenahs)

Today, my body is my temple. I cut addictions and let myself become pure.

Except for that I drank a cup of coffee before I realized it was addiction free day. But I have health reasons! If I don't drink a cup of coffee, I usually get a terrible headache. And I don't want that. I didn't have any more coffee after that cup. There was a fairly good chance that I would have had another cup if it weren't addiction free day.

Other than the coffee, today I gave up Facebook. I'm even more addicted to Facebook than I am to coffee. By default, I am also gave up Farmville. Which I am not pleased about. If my grapes wilt due to this book, I will never forgive it. Okay, I'll probably forgive it tomorrow. But only enough to perform tomorrow's duty.

I don't think I have any other addictions. I only drink on the weekends (and I can stop anytime!!!!), I don't smoke, I don't do drugs. I'm not even addicted to painkillers.

Once I accidentally clicked on my Facebook button. It's just so conveniently placed, and it's such a habit to click there first when I open up an internet window. It was a scary moment in which I immediately started yelling "shit shit shit!" at my computer and waving my hands in front of the screen until I could think clearly enough to click on the X. It was a minor relapse, the moment passed, and then I felt good about staying away from my addiction once again.

As soon as 12:01 hits, though...

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