Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day Thirteen: Write a Letter to a Mass Murderer (Yellenahs)

Here is what happened. Yellenahs almost died on Sunday, and Anailuj spent the majority of the day making sure this didn't happen. And then Anailuj had her only midterm ever (because she's an English major) this week, so she didn't want to blog.

And now we are a little late. But apparently Anailuj has still been doing the instructions, but not blogging. I, however, have not been following the instructions because I thought we were waiting until today to continue. There was a bit of miscommunication on that point. She'll probably have to repeat them. So she can blog properly, of course!

I'm writing my letter to Peter Sutcliffe, better known as the Yorkshire Ripper. He killed 13 women. Pretty violently. He now resides in a mental hospital in Britain. Some laws might change and he might be out in 2011. That's a little scary. I'm glad I'm not a British whore.

Dear Peter,

How's it going? Happy 25th anniversary at Broadmoor! It's been awhile, huh? You must be making a lot of friends there. By a lot, I mean the others within your head. Sorry, I shouldn't make jokes about your schizophrenia. I heard that you've had a rough time there at Broadmoor. The other prisoners aren't very nice to you? I hope you're handling it all right.

Do you still get the urge? You know, the urge. I hope not. I hope that you're getting better. Especially since you might get to be free in two years! We wouldn't want you to do anything bad out here on the streets.

Does Broadmoor have ghosts? It's a really old facility. I bet it has ghosts. I bet it's super creepy. That would be so cool. Old mental asylums are the coolest. Probably not if you have to live there, though. But you probably get to see a lot of ghosts! Maybe even the ghost of Jack the Ripper. He's pretty famous. And you guys were into pretty similar things, you know, killing British whores. You even have similar nicknames.

Were you friends with June Gibbons when she was there? Well, you might have wanted to tear her to shreds for being female. But she seems like a cool chick. And the sister, too. Did they teach you their language?

Sorry about all the questions. The life of the criminally insane is so fascinating.

Good luck with the rest of your stay there!

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