Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day Four: Work out Your Globetrotting Plans for the Rest of Your Time on Earth (Anailuj)

Today we got to color in maps. It was fun pretending to be in 5th grade again.
KEY (in 5th grade we lost points if we forgot to provide one of these):
green- been there, done that
yellow- plan to go there before I die
purple- plan to go there sometime within the next 5-10 years
blue- intend to go there this year (There's nowhere I'm planning on going to this year that I haven't already been to, so no blue for me :P)
red- happy to never set foot there in my whole life
I live on the east coast, so the occasional vacation/class trip has taken me to most of those states. I'd like to see California, the Four Corners, Louisiana (I'm a big fan of Anne Rice southern spookiness), and Montana for sight-seeing.
Michigan because my good friend Esteban lives there and I'd like to visit him sometime.
Hawaii and Alaska might be nice places to honeymoon, hint hint to my many potential fiancees.
The rest of the yellows I just sort of wouldn't mind seeing: AZ for the grand canyon, TX for the intolerant Republicans, NV for the Burning Man Festival .
The red states. Apparently I have a thing against Tornado Alley and the deep south. I guess it's mostly due to me not wanting to be blown away or have to eat grits.
The white states are the ones I just don't care about. I mean, Minnesota? The only good thing about it is hearing how the locals say the name of their state with that cute accent. But you'll get essentially the same accent, universal healthcare, and duty-free liquer from Canadians, so you might as well just go there instead.

Here's a really stretched version of the world. I've only been to the U.S., the Bahamas, and Canada. I was supposed to go to Ecuador this summer for a student volunteer program, but it fell through, so getting there is on the top of my list. Ecuador also owns the Galopagos Islands too. Sea turtles! Penguins! Darwin!

Mexico to see the Aztec ruins. Russia because the world seems to be telling me to go to Russia lately.

Madagascar because of that movie. Lemurs are cute.

Somalia because it just sucks so bad there. National Geographic and K'naan make me want to take the risk of getting my head blown off in hopes that I might be able to help out just a little bit. The poverty I saw during just one day in the Bahamas was enough to make me want to do something for people.

India for the architecture and the mango lassi.

Certain places in the middle east because me going there would mean they've reached some semblance of peace.

Austrailia to visit my family who moved there a couple years ago.

Not France. I took French for five years. I've about had my fill.

All the whites are places I could certainly get behind, I just don't have any strong feelings about them right now.

Conclusions: I need to get places. Also, you should listen to K'naan.

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